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Nicolás Díaz

  • United States of America, Red River, NM
  • Red River Ski Area, Inc.
  • Nicolás Díaz

"Hello, my name is Nicolás Díaz, and I'm 22 years old. Last summer, I went to the USA to work at a ski resort as a lift operator in a town called Red River (between the states of NM and CO). It was a great experience since I could do one of the things I love the most, SNOWBOARD! My job was completely compatible with this activity, and the entire town's atmosphere was centered around snow, making it a very touristy area. I think this experience broadened my perspective on the world as I met people from all over, and after the season ended, I traveled to places like New York, Boston, Washington, Florida—passing through Orlando, including Disney and Universal Studios—before ending in Miami and returning to Chile. The agency was attentive throughout my stay, providing a good support network, being flexible with changes to flights and departures from the country through different routes, which facilitated my ability to travel. Regarding English, I believe it can never be learned in a classroom, so this trip helped me a lot in that sense as I acquired the language while in the USA, interacting with local friends. I wholeheartedly recommend living this experience through XPA."